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CPE & Event Catalog

Showing 577 All Events Results

Cybercrime: Keeping Yourself And Your Business Safe FLEXCAST

Available Until

Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Crime epidemics. The threat prevention. Account takeovers. Prevent CEO fraud. The last vulnerability. Protect your networks.

Cybersecurity and Risk Assessment ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Cybersecurity. Risk assessments.

Data Analysis with Power Pivot FLEXCAST

Available Until

Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Connecting to external data sources. Relating multiple tables to create Data Models. Summarizing and analyzing data. Using DAX to create user-defined calculations

Data Analytics for CPAs: Introduction and Descriptive Analytics ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

1.0 Credits

What are analytics? Analytics maturity benchmarking: how CPAs can benchmark their clients' analytics maturity. Three types of analytics: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive.

Data Analytics for CPAs: Predictive Analytics ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

1.0 Credits

What is forecasting? How to make and evaluate a forecast statistically. Forecasting a simple time series: staffing an office. Forecasting a more complex time series: product revenue forecasting. Forecasting a nonlinear target: CART trees for market segmentation.

Data Analytics for CPAs: Prescriptive Analytics ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

1.0 Credits

What is optimization? How to set up and solve an optimization problem. Optimizing capital investment decisions with a decision tree. Optimizing inventory management with reorder points and safety stock.

Data Security for the Tax Professional FLEXCAST

Available Until

Your Desk

1.0 Credits

PTIN renewal. Publication 4557. IRS Security Summit. Form 8821. Scam callers. IRS scams. Cyber Warning indicators. IRS dirty dozen.

Dealing with Underperforming Employees ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Goals. Sources of performance deviations. Successful interventions.

Defensive Divorce ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

16.0 Credits

Basic marital tax matters. Transfers incident to divorce. Alimony and child support. Selected marital tax issues outside of divorce.

Definitive Revenue Recognition Course FLEXCAST

Available Until

Your Desk

4.0 Credits

Contract costs. Disclosures. Construction contractors.

Disclosure Requirements - Rev Rec, Leases, Business Combinations, CECL and Segments ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Revenue recognition disclosures. Contracts with customers. Contract balances. Assets recognized from costs to obtain or fulfill a contract. Business combinations disclosures. CECL disclosures - assets measured at amortized costs. CECL disclosures - available-for-sale debt securities. Segment reporting disclosures.

Disclosure Requirements for SEC Form 8-K ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Registrant's business and operations. Financial information. Securities and trading markets. Matters related to accountants and financial statements. Corporate governance and management. Asset-backed securities. Regulation. Financial statements and exhibits.

Do I Have A Lease? ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Lease definition. Is there an identified asset? Consideration of substitution rights. Right to substantially all of the economic benefits. Right to control use of the asset. Decision-making rights. Final determination. Short-term lease exception. Determining whether a contract contains a lease.

Education Tax Benefits ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

5.0 Credits

Section 529 qualified tuition programs. Coverdell education savings accounts. Education savings bond program. Educational tax credits. Educational assistance and student loan interest.

Effective Decision Making ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Effective decision making. Problem solving. Cognitive biases. Stereotypes. Values.

Effective Feedback ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Elements of effective feedback. Proper feedback delivery. Successful feedback seeking.

Effective Time Management ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Prioritizing work. Leveraging relationships. Protecting work time. Learning to say no.

Eight Strategies for Mastering the AI Wave - ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

2.0 Credits

The challenge of the pace of A.I. and emerging technologies. The relationship between technology and productivity. Increase your productivity with tools you already use. Recognize the relationship between productivity and value.

Elder Care Confidential ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Elements of a Finding: What Government Auditors Expect in All Findings FLEXCAST

Available Until

Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Five attributes of audit finding. Improve finding's presentation. Techniques for finding's results. Techniques to develop recommendations.

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