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CPE & Event Catalog

Showing 577 All Events Results

Introduction to the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry WEBINAR


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

The unique regulatory world of insurance. Differences from other industries. Differences within the industry. Types of accounting. Involvement of specialists. Tax considerations.

All About Fraud - Examples, Prevention and Auditing WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

Fraud. Professional skepticism. Report to the nation. Fraud schemes. Prevention.

Comprehensive Estate Planning: Administration and Postmortem Strategies WEBCAST


Your Desk

8.0 Credits

Introduction to estate administration. How to read a last will and testament. Understanding the entities. Administration of the estate and orderly process. The probate process and the courts. Special issues in estate administration. Postmortem issues regarding income taxation of descendants and estates. Postmortem opportunities on the estate income tax return. Available postmortem estate tax elections. Portability election. Disclaimers.

Presentation Skills for Auditors WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

How to connect with your audience. What to do when the unexpected happens. How to use your natural resources to enhance your message. How to narrow your message for maximum impact. What to avoid in a PowerPoint presentation.

Reporting the Results of a Fraud Investigation WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Written reports and supporting documentation. Methods of presenting evidence to help non-accountants understand the numbers. Evaluating reports of opposing experts. Responding to a motion in limine or Daubert challenge as an expert witness. Common lines of questioning for financial experts. Preparing for deposition and trial. Effectively testifying at deposition and trial.

Tales from the Darkside: IRS Enforcement of Cryptocurrency WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Overview of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Definition of proof of work and proof of stake. Tax laws regarding cryptocurrency transactions. Definition of common money laundering laws involving cryptocurrencies. Tools used by the IRS to identify cryptocurrency transactions and cryptocurrency in criminal investigations. Real life examples of cryptocurrency used in criminal activities.

How Machines Are Coming Alive and Ruling the World WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? IoT in action. IoT economic impacts. How IoT will impact accountants. Structured vs. Unstructured data: the new accounting frontier. Leading IoT challenges and risks. Emerging IoT business models for accountants. How to monetize IoT. IoT starter strategy. IoT case studies.

Staff Retention: Keep the Best People WEBCAST


Your Desk

3.0 Credits

Remote workforce. Employee retention. Staff turnover.

Tactics to Find Work Life Balance in a Complex World WEBINAR


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

How to get more out of one's work. How to achieve greater balance between today's ever more demanding and complex demands of work without losing sight of what is important in daily routines. Example of how to develop and be challenged by your own personal bucket list.

Securing Your Data with a Password Management App - Updated WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Introduction to the world of password management apps and what makes them so secure. Review and demonstration of top selling password management apps. Software features that will be reviewed. Password generation. Emergency user access. Entity vs. individual password management. Desktop vs. cloud based. Multi device synchronization. PII (personally identifiable information) forms filler. Credit card storage. Digital data vault.

Depreciation: Guide to Capitalizing Tangible Property WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Recent tax legislation, rules and developments related to capitalization and depreciation. Qualified improvement property. Section 179, including inflation adjustments. Section 168(k) 100% bonus deduction. Depreciation of automobiles, including new luxury auto limits. ADS depreciation for electing farm and real estate business. Update on recent developments.

Business Tax Update for Industry WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Recent Federal legislative, rules and tax developments impacting business taxpayers. Impact of Inflation Reduction Act on business. Depreciation rules and developments. Business losses and interest expense. Latest legislative, judicial, and IRS developments.

Interpreting the New Revenue Recognition Standard: What All CPAs Need to Know WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

5-step process for recognizing revenue.

Prix Fixe: Auditing: Assessing Materiality and Risk WEBINAR


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Assessing materiality and risk. Gathering audit evidence.

Small Business Risk Avoidance WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

New perspective on corporate governance. ERM overview. ERM-small business approach. 10 steps to take NOW!

Business Consulting for CPAs WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

What is business consulting? Identify the types of management services your firm could offer. How to become a trusted advisor. Learn how client expectations may create different performance and understanding levels for CPAs in business consulting engagements. Know what it takes to create a valuable outcome for the client. Understand the competitive advantages and disadvantages that your firm has versus non-CPA business consultants. Learn techniques to become a more effective consultant. Professional standards application.

Seeing Beyond the Numbers: Analysis for CFOs and Controllers WEBINAR


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

Purpose of financial statement analysis. Comparing actuals vs. expectations and benchmarking. Ratio analysis. Analysis of statement of cash flows. Other uses of ratios.

Audits of 401k Plans WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

SAS 136 audit requirements for ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(C) audits. Update of the changes affecting 401k plans. Compliance issues commonly encountered in 401k plan audits. Best practices for engagement planning, internal controls, risk assessment, and detailed testing. Common audit reporting and disclosure issues.

Business Losses: Going Backward and Forward WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Recent legislative developments for deducting business losses. TCJA net operating losses rules of Section 461(l). Section 163(j) Business Interest Expense. Limitations of deducting losses and basis. What is the "quickie "refund; Section 465. At-Risk amount. Section 469 Passive Activity Loss rules.

Social Media: The Bare Necessities WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Communication. Social media. Marketing. Publicity. Public relations. Business strategy.

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