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Advertise & Sponsor

Get your message in front of Washington’s top accounting and financial leaders.

If your target market is CPAs in Washington, you’ve come to the right place. With more than 6,000 members, the Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants (WSCPA) is the only organization in the State of Washington dedicated to serving the professional needs of CPAs.

We offer an array of sponsorship and advertising opportunities to help you connect with CPAs, controllers and CFOs, and other finance executives including event sponsorships, advertising in online and print publications, and more. Download the WSCPA Marketing Guide below for the full details.

General Terms & Conditions

If new ad copy is not received by the advertising deadline for ongoing accounts, WSCPA reserves the right to run previous ad copy.

Ads not submitted to WSCPA specifications are subject to service charges.

All rates are net/non-commissionable.

Orders for single advertising insertions may be cancelled on or before the advertising deadline. Cancellations must be in writing. WSCPA will assess full advertising and related charges if a one-time insertion order is not cancelled by the advertising deadline.

Orders for multiple advertisement insertions must be cancelled in writing. Cancellation requests must be received on or before the advertising deadline for the next scheduled insertion. Full advertising and related charges will be assessed for the next ordered insertion if a cancellation request is not received by the advertising deadline.

If a multiple advertising insertion order is cancelled, advertiser agrees to pay the difference between any discounted rate and the rate applicable to the number of advertisements actually published.

WSCPA reserves the right to decline or discontinue any advertisement and to set the words “Paid Advertisement” above and/or below any advertisement. If declined or discontinued, any consideration paid for (an) unpublished insertion(s) will be returned to the advertiser, and all parties shall be released from the obligations specific to the unpublished insertion(s).

The liability of WSCPA for failure to publish any accepted advertisement in a specified issue is limited to the cancellation of any obligations specific to the unpublished advertisement (any payment for the unpublished advertisement shall be returned). In the case of one-time insertion contracts, the advertiser shall have the option to place the advertisement in a subsequent issue at a discounted rate. In the case of multiple insertion contracts, the advertiser shall be eligible for a discount off the cost of the next scheduled insertion.

WSCPA assumes no responsibility for any error not caused by WSCPA. WSCPA assumes no financial responsibility for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of space actually occupied by the error, or the percentage of error that detracts from the effectiveness of the advertising message, as determined by WSCPA.

The advertiser agrees to defend and indemnify WSCPA, its staff and members against any and all liability, loss, damages, or expense arising from claims of libel, infringement of trademarks, copyrights, trade names, patents, or proprietary rights, or violation or rights of privacy, resulting from the publication of the advertiser’s advertisement.

Washington CPA Magazine Terms, Conditions & Ad Specifications

Advertising deadlines for print display and classified ads are as follows (updated for 2025):

March 1 for the Spring issue
September 1 for the Fall issue

An order request, ad artwork, and payment in full must be received by this deadline. 

WSCPA reserves the right to place ads at its discretion. No placement guarantees will be made.

WSCPA assumes no liability for errors not reported by the seventh of the month of publication.

Compositions produced by WSCPA becomes the property of WSCPA, and shall not be reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher of The Washington CPA.

Ad Specifications

The Washington CPA is printed on matte-coated stock, with a line screen of 150 and 300 dpi. Submit display ads as PC electronic files:

EPS: Change fonts to outlines. Include all graphic elements within the ad. 

TIFF: Submit in PC format.

PDF: A high-resolution 300 dpi file, CMYK format. Include all fonts and graphic elements with each file.

Please submit ad image files to

Present Value Email Newsletter Terms, Conditions & Ad Specifications

The advertising deadline for each Present Value is end of day on the Friday preceding the Present Value in which the ad is to run.

Ad Specifications

All Present Value ad image files must be submitted to the WSCPA by end of day on the Friday prior to send date of the Present Value in which the ad is to appear. Submit your 500px wide by 150px high ad in either JPG or PNG file formats.

Please submit ad image files to


Looking for new talent? Try posting your job opening in the WSCPA Job Board!

Are you a bona fide not-for-profit organization in need of pro bono work by a CPA, or looking for CPAs to serve on your board of directors? The WSCPA is proud to help connect you with our members looking to contribute to the community. Add your position to our list of volunteer opportunities for CPAs.


Let's talk! Start the conversation by filling out this short form and a WSCPA representative will follow up with you.