CPE Policies
Policies specific to the Prix Fixe CPE Series and Season Ticket/Coupon Books supersede all other WSCPA CPE policies and procedures including, but not limited to, cancellations, refunds, transfers, and substitutions.
CPE Policies
Cancellation/Refund/Transfer Policy
Cancellations and transfers received less than five (5) business days prior to the course or conference will result in a service fee of $40 for seminars or $75 for conferences. All remaining monies will be refunded. No shows forfeit the entire registration fee and/or will be invoiced for the full cost of the event.
No refunds or transfers will be made on presentations of four (4) hours or less, if cancellation is received less than five (5) business days prior to event.
Registrations via the WSCPA online catalog are encouraged, but may be completed by mail, email, or telephone. Payment must accompany registration.
Walk-in participants will be admitted upon payment of fee and as space permits. All registrants must prepay in full before admittance to any program. Individuals with outstanding unpaid registration fees from the prior year will not be allowed to register for current courses including seminars, conferences, video or audio CPE, or customized firm and company training until all outstanding bills are current.
Registration Confirmation
A registration confirmation is emailed to registrants within 24 hours of processing. If a course is at capacity, registrants will be contacted immediately and a wait-list will be maintained.
Registration Fee Definition
WSCPA members and members of other state societies with a reciprocal agreement are eligible for a discount on the Non-member course fee. The Non-member course fee applies to all other registrants.
Virtual Group Policy
If you are attending a virtual event as a group, be sure that all attendees are registered for the event before it takes place. This ensures that attendees receive CPE certificates in a timely manner.
The member of the group who is signed in to view the webinar must respond to each of the attendance prompts that will appear during the presentation by clicking on the button on the prompt. Additionally, another form of verification is required to award CPE to those attendees not directly signed in via the event viewing platform. For your group, produce a scan of a document with:
- The name and date of the event
- Printed names of those who attended with accompanying signatures
For your convenience, the WSCPA has prepared a printable sign-in sheet (PDF, 339 KB). Send a scan of the completed sign-in sheet to cpe@wscpa.org.
Group Live Attendance Policies
Registration opens 1 hour prior to the start of class; CPE is awarded only for time instructor is presenting.
- All attendees are required to sign in and out, indicating arrival and departure times. CPE credits are awarded based on a 50-minute hour.
- WSCPA staff will monitor sign-in sheets and will remain at the registration desk for the duration of the class or conference.
- Attendees that arrive more than 10 minutes late will be required to indicate the time they arrived and add their signature to the sign-in sheet.
- Attendees that take unscheduled breaks of more than 10 minutes will be asked to note their absence from the classroom on the sign-in sheet.
- Attendees that leave prior to the end of the session will be required to indicate the time they departed and add their signature to the sign-in sheet.
- As attendance is reconciled, the time recorded by an attendee as not in session will decrease the amount of credit issued.
Certificate of Attendance
To receive a Certificate of Attendance for proof of CPE credit, participants must sign-in and sign-out with the on-site representative at each event. If the event qualifies for four credits or less, it is not necessary to sign out. Each participant will receive a link to the Certificate of Attendance via email within 10 business days. Please note: If no signature appears on the sign-in/out sheet, WSCPA is unable to verify your attendance.
Distribution of Materials
Materials prepared by WSCPA, the AICPA CPE Division and other CPE suppliers are designed specifically for use at course presentations and are available only to participants attending such programs. The materials or portions thereof are not otherwise available for sale to individuals or educational institutions.
The WSCPA will provide seminar and conference course materials in the form of a digital PDF. You will receive an email with instructions for downloading the PDF one business day prior to the event. Outlets for charging electronic devices will be available in close proximity to every seat.
Course Cancellation
If insufficient registrations are received five (5) business days in advance of the presentation date, the course will be cancelled. In the event a course or seminar is cancelled, registrants will receive a full refund.
Substitutions of registrants are permitted at all CPA courses, seminars and conferences, except for Season Ticket or coupon registrants. Please notify the WSCPA the day before the event.
No-Smoking Policy
In accordance with Washington State, RCW 70.160, smoking is not allowed at any WSCPA event or within 25 feet of all entrances and exits, windows that open, and ventilation intakes.
Airline/Hotel Policy
If insufficient registrations are received for a course, it will be cancelled five (5) business days in advance of the course date. Please be aware of the policies and fees that apply if you need to change or cancel your travel/hotel reservation. The WSCPA is not liable for any penalties incurred if you cancel/change your airline or hotel reservations. If we cancel a program, we will refund or transfer your registration fee in full.
Cellular Phones
As a courtesy to fellow participants, participants are requested to turn off or silence cell phones during the presentation.
Weather Cancellation Policy
In the case of inclement weather, as long as the instructor(s) can arrive and the facility is open and functioning, all courses and/or conferences will take place.
If a participant chooses not to attend based on weather conditions, they will be charged a standard service fee of $40 for seminars or $75 for conferences. All remaining monies will be refunded.
Check the status of the CPE classes scheduled for today here.
Recordings at WSCPA Events
By registering for and attending any WSCPA event or program, you agree to the following terms and conditions: The WSCPA may record (audio and/or video and/or photograph) participants and speakers/panelists at any WSCPA event. Pictures, audio recordings, or videotape recordings of WSCPA events may be used in future promotions for the Washington Society of CPAs and/or its events, including in online and printed materials. Any pictures, audio tape recordings, or videotape recordings become the sole and exclusive property of the Washington Society of CPAs.
Submittals of photos, videos and/or audio recordings for use by the WSCPA in print or online constitutes approval for the WSCPA to use the submissions.
Health and Safety Policies
The health and safety of WSCPA event attendees and staff is of utmost importance.
Any individual who matches any of the following descriptions is asked not to attend in-person events:
- Is within the contagious period of an illness or infection, according to a medical professional
- Has severe cold, flu symptoms, or has had a fever (temperature measured at 100.4 or higher) within the last 24 hours
If you have mild cold or flu symptoms and/or have had a fever please take added precautions for the next 5 days by wearing a mask, distancing, and testing.
A full refund or transfer is available to registrants who are unable to attend an event due to quarantine or illness.
The WSCPA follows current Washington State, King County and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) health requirements and guidelines. For additional information please see Preventing Spread of Respiratory Viruses on the CDC website.
For information about COVID-19 vaccines visit: https://www.cdc.gov/covid/vaccines/
For information about RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection visit: https://www.cdc.gov/rsv/about/
For information about flu (influenza) visit: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/
For information about bird flu (avian influenza) visit: https://www.cdc.gov/bird-flu/
The prices, dates and locations of the presentations listed in the CPE Digest, and any other CPE publication/promotional material, are subject to change without notice.
The CPE policies and procedures are in effect for all WSCPA-sponsored programs.
The WSCPA reserves the right to make speaker substitutions at any time without notification to registrants.
The WSCPA has adopted the AICPA Statement on Standards for Formal Group and Formal Self-Study Programs, and all courses, seminars and conferences sponsored by the WSCPA meet the Statements’ criteria.
These CPE policies are subject to change without notice by action of the Director of Education.
Policies specific to the Prix Fixe CPE Series supersede all other WSCPA CPE policies and procedures including, but not limited to, cancellations, refunds, transfers, and substitutions.
By purchasing the Prix Fixe CPE Series Bundle, you are registering for each Prix Fixe CPE Series webinar included in that bundle. Due to the unbeatable value built into the Prix Fixe CPE Series, we are unable to offer substitutions, transfers, or refunds of any kind for Prix Fixe CPE Series webinars. Unattended webinars do not “roll over” into any subsequent year’s Prix Fixe CPE Series.
To preserve the unbeatable price-per-credit value of the Prix Fixe CPE Series Bundle, the WSCPA will update the Prix Fixe CPE Series Bundle price and included webinars twice during the year. Details regarding the bundle updates, such as when the updated bundles will be available, shall be published on the Prix Fixe CPE Series page. Only one version of the Prix Fixe CPE Series Bundle will be available for purchase at a time.
The WSCPA reserves the right to make speaker and/or topic substitutions at any time of the year. Should such a change occur, the WSCPA will notify registrants and update information on the WSCPA website as soon as possible.
Prix Fixe CPE Series webinar credits will be awarded only to those who have registered and paid for the webinar.
CPE credit for the Member Exclusive webinars will only be awarded to individuals who attend the webinar and are members in good standing of the WSCPA at the time of attendance.
Season Ticket and Coupon Book Policies
Policies below apply specifically to the Season Ticket and Coupon Books. Unless specifically stated here, all other CPE policies and procedures apply.
Season Tickets and Coupons are valid for eligible programs scheduled between June 1 and May 31.
- A 40-hour Season Ticket costs $1,199.
- An 80-hour Season Ticket costs $1,999.
- A book of 10 Coupons costs $2,425.
Season Ticket purchase entitles the owner to receive the listed CPE hours (either 40 or 80) to use for eligible WSCPA CPE programs. The member fee will be charged for any courses taken after the Season Ticket's hours have been used.
Season Ticket holders must register for all educational programs prior to the course date. Season Ticket holders with past due balances may not register for programs. 80-hour Season Ticket holders may only be registered for 48 hours of courses at one time. 40-hour Season Ticket holders may register for all 40 hours of courses at one time. Registration is on a first-come, first-served space available basis. Walk-ins are allowed if space is available.
Cancellations received less than five (5) business days prior to the course or conference will result in a service fee of $40 for seminars or $75 for conferences. No-shows will forfeit course hours.
The Season Ticket is not transferable.
The Season Ticket fee is nonrefundable—all sales are final. A Season Ticket will not be issued and may not be used until payment is received in full. A Season Ticket may not be used retroactively for courses taken prior to its purchase.
The Season Ticket is only available to WSCPA members in good standing.
Society Membership
If your membership is suspended or revoked, your Season Ticket privileges will be suspended or revoked.
Coupons are available to any member of the WSCPA and may be used by anyone within the organization. Each coupon is good for any eight-hour qualifying program. Two coupons must be used together to register for a 16-hour program.
Holder Responsibilities
A Season Ticket belongs to the individual who submitted the Season Ticket order. It is the responsibility of the individual Season Ticket holder to follow these Season Ticket rules in full. Furthermore, individuals are fully responsible for any incurred fees (such as a cancellation fee).
Program Applicability
A Season Ticket or Coupon may be used for most group-study programs offered by the WSCPA. A Season Ticket or Coupon may not be used for self-study or FlexCast purchases, Prix Fixe webinars, or chapter programs.
For more information regarding refunds, complaints, program cancellations or other policies email or call 425 644 4800.