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Coupon Book 24-25

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Personal Leadership Skills WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

Leadership. Personality types. Communication. Memory.

What Every CPA Should Know About Fraud WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

How is fraud detected? The role of external auditors in finding fraud. Revenue recognition issues. Corrupt management. Data mining. Physical and biometric controls.

Internal and External Fraud: Understanding It and Working to Control It WEBCAST


Your Desk

8.0 Credits

Understanding why internal fraud occurs. Fraudulent acts initiated by outside organizations. Policies, procedures and control measures designed to fight fraud. Steps that verify anti-fraud activities are working.

Financial Reporting: Miscellaneous Topics-U.S. GAAP vs IFRS WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Inventories. PPE. Intangible assets. Investment property. Impairment of assets. Financial instruments. Provisions. Leases. Income taxes.

How to Respond to Upsetting or Critical Email WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Business communication. Emotional intelligence. Human resources. Practice management.

Basic Understanding of Yellow Book and Single Audit WEBCAST


Your Desk

6.0 Credits

Overview of the 2018 Revision Government Auditing Standards. Understand the conceptual framework of independence. Evaluate non-audit services provided and the threat to independence. New ruling on Continuing Professional Education. Introduce a new concept referred to as "Waste". Review Engagements under Government Auditing Standards. Gain an understanding of the requirements for performing a Uniform Guidance compliance audit Discuss Internal control over financial reporting vs. Internal control over compliance requirements. Understand the differences between the auditor's reports issued under Government Auditing Standards.

Internal Control - Testing for Operating Effectiveness WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Generally accepted audit requirements related to testing controls for operating effectiveness. Identifying key controls that may prove effective and efficient to test in a control reliance strategy. Responses when deviations are discovered when evaluating the design or operating effectiveness of internal control. Leveraging audit evidence available for Service Organization Control (SOC1) Reports. General computer control considerations when evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting.

What You Can Learn From the Statement of Cash Flows WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Preparation of the statement of cash flows. Importance of identifying sources and uses of cash in financial reporting. Financial statement analysis. Cash-related financial statement disclosures.

Reporting the Results of a Fraud Investigation WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Written reports and supporting documentation. Methods of presenting evidence to help non-accountants understand the numbers. Evaluating reports of opposing experts. Responding to a motion in limine or Daubert challenge as an expert witness. Common lines of questioning for financial experts. Preparing for deposition and trial. Effectively testifying at deposition and trial.

IRS Audits of the Employee Retention Credit WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Employee Retention Credit details. Employee Retention Credit Audit process and preparation. Update on the market.

Power BI - Analyze Your Data With Excel Pivot Tables WEBINAR


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

The advantages of PivotTable for Data Analysis. Step-by-Step PivotTable creation. Creating Pivot Charts.

Promote Internal Whistleblowing and Succeed in Creating a Strong Speak Up Culture WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Speak up culture. Encouraging internal whistleblowing. Internal complaint reporting processes.

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