CPE & Event Catalog
Tax Treatment of Life Insurance Proceeds ON DEMAND
Available Until
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2.0 Credits
Life insurance death benefits. Life insurance policy living proceeds.
Telehealth Implementation: Lessons Learned ON DEMAND
Available Until
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1.0 Credits
Pandemic effects on healthcare organizations. Covid regulatory issues. Telehealth implementation: lessons learned.
The Art of Controlling: A Controller's Handbook FLEXCAST
Available Until
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4.0 Credits
The story. Integration with operations. The controlling landscape. Controlling top tips.
The Balanced Scorecard: Strategic-Based Control ON DEMAND
Available Until
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2.0 Credits
The balanced scorecard.
The Employee Evaluation Review ON DEMAND
Available Until
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2.0 Credits
Performance cycle. How to prepare a review. How to deliver a review.
The Importance of Leader Training to DEI Success ON DEMAND
Available Until
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1.0 Credits
Diversity. Equity. Inclusion.
The Intersection of Accounting and Sustainability ON DEMAND
Available Until
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1.0 Credits
What Sustainability is in today's world and why a business owner should care. How Sustainability Frameworks are starting to shift business. Where accounting fits into the Sustainability and ESG puzzle. The benefits of embracing Sustainability frameworks. A focused look at B Corporation certification.
The MBA Guidebook ON DEMAND
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23.0 Credits
Accounting basics. The interpretation of financial statements. Discounted cash flow techniques. Capital structure analysis. Business valuation. Product development. Supply chain management. Building and managing teams. Business strategy.
Available Until
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2.0 Credits
Mindfulness. The compass of mindfulness. 8-minute CPA mindfulness practice. Science of neurology. Application of mindfulness.
The New Controller Guidebook ON DEMAND
Available Until
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18.0 Credits
Controller job description. Cash management. Credit and collections management. Billing management. Inventory management. Fixed assets management. Accounts payable management. Equity management. Payroll management. Department management. Closing the books. Financial statements. Public company financial reporting. Management reports. Ratio analysis. Budgeting. Capital budgeting. Computer system selection and installation.
The New Psychology of Fraud Part 1 - ON DEMAND
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2.0 Credits
Behavioral profiling. Psychology and reasoning related to both investigators and perpetrators.
The New Psychology of Fraud Part 2 - ON DEMAND
Available Until
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2.0 Credits
The neuroscience of psychopathy. The psychology of skepticism. Psychology and reasoning related to both investigators and perpetrators.
The Perfect Storm - Data Governance and Data Privacy Regulations FLEXCAST
Available Until
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2.0 Credits
Data transparency and access. Data deletion and portability. Definition of personal information. User opt out and the right to be forgotten. Understanding the fines and risks.
The Power of Array Formulas in Excel FLEXCAST
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2.0 Credits
Understanding arrays of data and how they are useful. Distinguishing between "legacy" array formulas and array formulas in "dynamic array-aware" versions of Excel. Using Excel's new array functions, including SORT, FILTER, SEQUENCE, and UNIQUE. Applied examples of array formulas.
Time Management for CPAs ON DEMAND
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2.0 Credits
Building an effective time management framework. Three time factors-time wasters, time savers and time management techniques. Managing "oneself" to improve the management of time.
Top 10 Things Financial Planners Need to Know About Estate Planning ON DEMAND
Available Until
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8.0 Credits
Exemptions and exclusions. Portability and step-up in basis. Asset valuation. Discounts. Marital and charitable deductions. Transmission expenses and administration expenses (706 or 1041). Income in respect of a decedent and retirement plan assets. Life insurance and annuities. Trust or estate administration. Trust funding.
Top 5 Ways to Fund Your Retirement ON DEMAND
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1.0 Credits
Will your advance directive protect you both personally and financially? Creating trusted planning relationships. Retirement plans. ROTH planning and conversions. Reverse mortgages.
Top Tax Techniques, Traps, Trip Cords, and Rip Cords With Multistate Trusts ON DEMAND
Available Until
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1.0 Credits
New developments: Federal and California update. IRS audits of estate tax returns. New RMD rules, Roth conversions and estate planning for large retirement plans. Update from Washington regarding tax law changes. Helping your clients reduce, defer or eliminate capital gains taxes. Trust reformation and decanting update. Hot topics in international tax and estate planning and considerations for transfers to non-U.S. citizen spouses. Valuation of notes. The feasibility of using IDGTs and how you use it. Planning for changing exemption in 2025. Flow-through entities and impact on trusts. Changing exemption panel discussion. Charitable planning. Special needs trusts.
Transforming from Technically Talented to Strategically Savvy FLEXCAST
Available Until
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5.0 Credits
Define what it means to be a strategic leader. Evaluate your current strengths and identify areas for development. Describe the characteristics of trusted business advisors. Identify specific techniques to connect with, present to, and influence others.
Trust Tax Return Preparation FLEXCAST
Available Until
Your Desk
2.0 Credits
"Income" for distribution purposes. Simple trusts. Deductions. Interest and dividends. Rental income. Partnerships and other pass-throughs.