CPE & Event Catalog
Form 8606: Nondeductible IRAs FLEXCAST
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1.0 Credits
Contributions to traditional IRAs. Form 8606 best practices. Recreating cost basis. Backdoor Roth IRA. Distributions from traditional IRAs. Distributions from Roth IRAs. Qualified charitable distribution.
Formatting Excel Spreadsheets the Right Way FLEXCAST
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2.0 Credits
Creating and using Styles in Excel. The accounting format and why you should use it. How to create custom formats. Formatting dates for maximum impact. The advantages of storing formats in templates.
Forms 1041: Basic Trust and Estate Income Tax Preparation FLEXCAST
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4.0 Credits
1041 specifics. Role of the fiduciary. Role of the tax preparer. Allocation of deductions. TCJA issues. Tax exempt income.
Fraud Investigation Reporting ON DEMAND
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Fraud investigation reporting.
Fraud Schemes ON DEMAND
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Employee fraud schemes. Financial statement fraud schemes. Outsider fraud schemes.
Fraud Stories Series: Accounting Fraud ON DEMAND
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Fraud. Internal controls. Auditing. Ethical issues. Advanced accounting issues. Risk management.
Fraud Stories Series: Crypto Promises ON DEMAND
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Fraud. Internal controls. Auditing. Ethical issues. Advanced accounting issues. Risk management.
Fraud Stories Series: Modern Pirates ON DEMAND
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Fraud. Internal controls. Auditing. Ethical issues. Advanced accounting issues. Risk management.
Fraud Stories Series: Revisiting the Pyramids and Ponzi Schemes ON DEMAND
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Fraud. Internal controls. Auditing. Ethical issues. Advanced accounting issues. Risk management.
Full Disclosure in Financial Reporting ON DEMAND
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Full disclosure principle. Accounting policies. Subsequent events. Common disclosures. Summary of significant accounting policies. Unconditional purchase contract obligations. Segmental reporting. Related parties. Risks and uncertainties. Accounting changes and error corrections. Interim financial reporting.
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29.0 Credits
Presentation of financial statements. Balance sheet. Comprehensive income. Income statement. Statement of cash flows. Notes to financial statements. Accounting changes and error corrections. Changing prices. Earnings per share. Interim reporting. Risks and uncertainties. Segment reporting. Receivables. Debt and equity securities. Equity method and joint ventures.
General Cost Principles FLEXCAST
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Rules regarding allowable costs. Cost principles for federal grants. General cost principles. Allowable costs. Reasonable and necessary costs. Allocability. Allocable costs. Shared organizational costs. Consistent treatment.
Governmental Accounting ON DEMAND
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13.0 Credits
Governmental accounting overview. Fund accounting. Basis of accounting and measurement focus. Reporting capital assets. Reporting liabilities. Budget and budgetary accounting. Common accounting transactions. Classification and terminology. Financial reporting entity. Annual comprehensive financial report. Financial reporting considerations. Financial statements. Budgetary reporting. Cash flows statements. Segment information. Reporting entity and component unit presentation and disclosure.
Governmental Auditing Update: AICPA and Single Audit Update FLEXCAST
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3.0 Credits
Auditor Reporting - AU - C 700 Series. Significant changes to the Auditor's Report. Auditor Reporting - SAS No. 134. Illustrative report. SAS 135, Omnibus Statement on Auditing Standards - 2019. SAS 141. Audit evidence. Auditing accounting estimates and related disclosures (SAS No. 143). SAS 144.
Governmental Auditing Update: Procurement FLEXCAST
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UG Update Procurement and the Supplement. Prior confusion and thresholds. Micro-purchases. Small purchases. Subrecipient monitoring and management. Indirect cost rate. Major program determination. High-Type B Programs. Direct and material compliance requirements. Internal controls. A walk-through of Part 6.
Grantor Trusts: Uses and Benefits FLEXCAST
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2.0 Credits
Grantor type trusts. Taxation and trusts. Estate tax freeze.
High Performance Communication ON DEMAND
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Elements of high-impact communications. Effective vs. less effective communication channels. Giving and receiving feedback. Nonverbal communication. Impactful presentations.
How To Run a Kick-Ass Meeting ON DEMAND
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The 40-20-40 approach to meeting engagement. How to build an engaging audience. Top two essentials for leadership skills. Tips for an impressive virtual meeting presence.
How to Account for Internal-Use Software Arrangements ON DEMAND
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What is and is not internal use software? Scope of internal-use software guidance. Hosting arrangements. Stages of software development. Commencement of capitalization. Amortization - cloud-based arrangements. Balance sheets. Statement of cash flows.
How to Conduct a Compilation Engagement ON DEMAND
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Conducting compilation engagement. Preparation of financial statements.