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CPE & Event Catalog

Showing 248 On Demand Results

How to Run and Organize a Small Business ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

8.0 Credits

Types of businesses. Debt and equity financing. Managing financial assets. Legal considerations. Accounting, cost, and financial analysis. Individual and partnership income taxes. Marketing. Operations. Managing human resources.

IRS Notice 2022-6 FLEXCAST

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1.0 Credits

SEPP. Exceptions to early distribution penalty. Fixed annuitization method. Notice 2002-62. Life expectancy tables. Private letter rulings. Planning considerations.

Implementing Internal Controls in QuickBooks Environments FLEXCAST

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4.0 Credits

QuickBooks. Fundamentals of small business internal control. Implementing effective preventive controls with QuickBooks. Detecting issues using internal controls. The value of compensating controls in QuickBooks.

Improving Productivity with Microsoft 365 Cloud Applications FLEXCAST

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2.0 Credits

Understanding the Office 365 cloud interface. Cloud storage with SharePoint and OneDrive. Full review of apps and services to improve productivity.

Improving the Auditor and Auditee Relationship ON DEMAND

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2.0 Credits

Conducting conferences with the auditee. Presentation skills. Staffing and selling the findings. Soliciting written comments. Incorporating the auditee's response.

In-Depth with Excel Names ON DEMAND

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2.0 Credits

Named ranges. Named constants. Named formulas.

In-Depth with Excel's Conditional Formatting ON DEMAND

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2.0 Credits

Conditional formatting basics. Conditional formatting icon sets. Conditional formatting formulas.

Increasing Productivity Through Stress Management ON DEMAND

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2.0 Credits

Sources and effects of stress. Stress management techniques.

Integrating ESG Into Your Business ON DEMAND

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1.0 Credits

Planning around new tax laws. ESG

Integrating and Sharing Data FLEXCAST

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2.0 Credits

Data sharing and management. Databases and relational data. Power Query and Power BI. Zapier, IFTTT, and more.

International Accounting ON DEMAND

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25.0 Credits

Presentation of financial statements. Statement of cash flows. Consolidated and separate financial statements. Accounting policies, estimate changes and errors. Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies. Earnings per share. Interim financial reporting. Operating segments. Joint arrangements. Investments in associates and joint ventures. Disclosure of interests in other entities. Inventories. Property, plant, and equipment. Intangible assets. Investment property. Impairment of assets.

Introducing the New Risk Assessment Standard FLEXCAST

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1.0 Credits

Understanding the entity and its environment and the applicable financial reporting framework. Understanding the components of the entity's system of internal control. Considerations for understanding it. Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement

Introduction to AI and ChatGPT for CPAs ON DEMAND

Available Until

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1.0 Credits

The background of OpenAI and ChatGPT. Prompt Engineering. Using ChatGPT to find CPA-related answers. Practical strategies for keeping up with AI.

Introduction to Single Audit ON DEMAND

Available Until

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1.0 Credits

Single Audit. Intro to Single Audit.

Introduction to Sustainability Accounting Standards (SASB) ON DEMAND

Available Until

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1.0 Credits

SASB. FSA credential. Sustainability reporting. Key Performance Indicators.

Investing in Existing Cannabis Opportunities or Applying for a New Cannabis License FLEXCAST

Available Until

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1.0 Credits

Difference between cannabis, hemp, and marijuana. Marijuana's Schedule I status. Obtaining a marijuana license.

Investing in Virtual Currency ON DEMAND

Available Until

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1.0 Credits

Planning around new tax laws. Investing in virtual currency.

Jump-Start Your Accounting Business FLEXCAST

Available Until

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2.0 Credits

The key is to focus. Getting clients. Places to look for clients. Two major projects. Marketing materials. Build your online presence.

Key Ratio Analysis ON DEMAND

Available Until

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8.0 Credits

The five-step key financial ratio analysis model and illustrative case studies. Cash flow applications, including traditional EBITDA, personal, global or combined, fixed charge coverage, free cash flow, cash basis, and real estate. Lendable real estate equity model. Key ratio software applications. Z-score (bankruptcy prediction) and sustainable growth models.

Leadership Skills Training ON DEMAND

Available Until

Your Desk

8.0 Credits

Leadership roadblocks. Leadership vs. managing. Skill-building techniques: communications, negotiations and personal marketing. Psychodynamic leadership theory. Leadership traits, skills, and styles.

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