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The WSCPA will be closing early at 2:00pm on Friday, January 17th and remain closed through Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

WSCPA Board: NASBA’s Proposed Amendments to UAA Rules Don’t Go Far Enough

March 29, 2023


On February 15, NASBA released an exposure draft of the Uniform Accountancy Act Rule 5-7. The draft proposes multiple changes, but notably would increase the amount of time that a CPA candidate has to pass all required CPA exam sections from a rolling 18-month period to a rolling 24-month period. The WSCPA Board of Directors recognizes this as an improvement but believes that the window should be expanded. The Board is drafting a response to the UAA Committee to request that the exam window be expanded to 36 months or longer.

Comments on the proposal are due April 17. The Board encourages firms and companies to write to request that the exam window be expanded to 36 months or longer.

Next week, we will be providing a sample letter that can be used to respond to this proposal.