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Pricing on Purpose: The Eight Steps to Implementing Value Pricing WEBCAST


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8.0 Credits

Member Price $299.00

Non-Member Price $399.00


Learn about selling intellectual capital with pricing based on outcomes and value added, rather than the cost or time it took to deliver. A business is defined by the value it creates for its clients; your price speaks volumes about your value proposition. An overwhelming majority of professional firms price their services by the flawed and outdated hourly billing method rather than realizing clients do not buy time; they buy value. Price is the marketing moment of truth and the number one driver of profitability in any business. Learn how to price on purpose.


First and second law of pricing and how they influence your pricing decisions. How the anchoring and framing effects influence pricing. What and how people buy. Handling price objections. Proper project management. Facilitating a pricing after action review. Importance of price psychology and emotions. Why your firm should offer a value guarantee. How hourly billing is a suboptimal pricing strategy.



Designed For

Owners, partners, managers or any executive responsible for pricing.


Identify how to have the value conversation with clients. Determine how to price the customer, not the services. Determine how to develop pricing and presenting options. Identify fixed-price agreements, pricing objections, project management, change requests, change orders and pricing after action reviews.






Leader Bios

Daniel Morris, California CPA Education Foundation

Daniel Morris is a sought after global expert in multi-national business structuring, tax optimization, and asset protection. Leveraging over 30 years of holistic accounting, tax, and business advisory services to successful entrepreneurial and family-based enterprises, he serves emerging and middle markets. Dan began his accounting career in 1984 at Ernst & Young in Silicon Valley, California. Today, he coordinates his services by leading Morris + D’Angelo, a Silicon Valley and Los Angeles based accounting and tax specialization firm. Additionally, Dan leads the consulting services for Strategic Global Advisors, a Nassau based global tax and business structuring advisory service, and is a co-founder of the VeraSage Institute, a think tank dedicated to assisting the professions and knowledge workers. As a frequent speaker at conferences, leadership development events, and seminars, and a consultant to professional service firms on ethics, implementing global business strategies, asset protection, emerging technologies, total quality service, cryptocurrencies and the blockchain, and value pricing, his work takes him around the world. He has been an educator with numerous professional associations and has authored, developed, and presented 50 courses, seminars, and conferences. As the Chair of the Regulatory Working Group for the Accountants Blockchain Coalition, Dan is actively engaged in all aspects of the blockchain and its associated parts. He has assisted over a dozen blockchain related enterprises including designing the global structure for DASH along with coordinating multiple ICO and/or pre-ICO engagements. Dan is a Master’s candidate with London Law University in their Private Wealth Advising program (anticipated degree 2019). Dan received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Oregon. Dan is active with the California Society of CPAs and the AICPA. Dan has helped establish a number of Silicon Valley start-ups including Signio that was acquired by Verisign for $1.2 billion in 2000. Dan is regularly interviewed by local, national, and international media and has global responsibilities for client services in the areas of business structuring, tax optimization strategies, asset protection design, distributed ledger technologies, and strategic management consulting for closely-held businesses.

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Non-Member Price $399.00

Member Price $299.00